Creative Wall Decor Ideas for Your Kids’ Room - HauSweet

Creative Wall Decor Ideas for Your Kids’ Room

Imagination and creativity are two of the most characteristic qualities of childhood and, also to being responsible for hours and hours of games, they are essential for children to correctly develop analytical and problem-solving skills.
    To train these skills, parents often resort to extracurricular classes related to art, however, the best place to educate children’s imagination seems to be inside the house, in their rooms that, following a series of guidelines, can be converted into rooms where aesthetics and stimulation go hand in hand.

Play, Study And Dream In Colors

    One of the first important decisions when decorating the children’s room is the color of the walls, a question that haunts parents since before the birth of the little ones and that is usually resolved with pastel tones, such as baby blue. pale pink or a soft vanilla shade.
    However, not all of them have the same value when it comes to color psychology, and some chromotherapy studies, such as one carried out at the research indicate that blue is the most appropriate tone for colors in children’s rooms, whether they are small children or teenagers.

    Among its properties, they highlight that it favors concentration, essential for studies, and indicates that it provides peace and tranquility, essential for those rooms that combine the work area, the play area, and the rest area.
Despite its benefits, the same study indicates that a blue palette is not enough stimulation for children, who also need hints of red and white, good for memory and harmony, respectively.
    Thus, a space in which blue and white predominate, spiced with red details, seems to be the best option for a children’s room and, also, these tones are ideal to easily adapt the decoration to the different ages of the children.

Decorative Elements

     Finally, a creative room cannot be without elements that encourage, precisely, to create, and as far as walls are concerned, there is nothing like paint with a blackboard finish, which is applied on smooth walls like any other varnish. A creative and affordable alternative to this is to add Chalk Wall Decals that come in fun shapes of animals, trains, castles, etc.  So that children can paint with chalk, easily removing it with a damp cloth.
    Closets, closed boxes, and hermetic chests are some of the most common pieces of furniture in children’s rooms, proof of a father’s desire to keep clutter at bay and toys in place.


   Despite good intentions, open furniture seems to be the most recommended option, especially shelves and display cabinets, since they allow you to see games and books, which is another source of stimulation for children.
This furniture, also to being fun, is also an aid to maintain order, which should be present in children’s rooms, since a balanced, harmonious, and clean space avoids distractions and allows to think more clearly, which also favors being imaginative and having new ideas.

Creative Dreaming

    The difficulty lies in finding furniture that allows having the room under control, without restricting children’s creativity, to which elements with imaginative shapes, such as animals or nature, also contribute, which are very easy to introduce, for example, with baskets where to collect the items toys.
    The bed is one of the most important places in the children’s room, their space to dream and recharge the batteries after long days of learning and creation.
    Therefore, choosing a mattress and pillow is not enough, but you also have to take care of its decoration and its surroundings, so that it contributes to the creative atmosphere of the room and that being in it is as fun as playing.
One of the most effective ways to achieve this is to replace the traditional nest with a bunk bed, which is more attractive and is a source of imagination, perfect for children to integrate into their games, as well as giving them a sense of privacy and independence.

    Making them sit in their own space, and not in a place where they can be under parental supervision, is very important for them to develop their identity, something that, when it comes to beds, can be achieved with canopies or curtains.
    Above all, you must lose the fear of children participating in the decoration of your room, since giving them the freedom to choose their furniture makes them more aware of the responsibility they have when it comes to keeping the room clean and cared for.

    Use hausweet for creating the perfect space for your children.Do you dare to try it? Do not hesitate to contact us. We advise and guide you throughout the project to create the perfect space for your little one.

    As you can see, there are many creative ways to decorate children’s rooms.

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